Gli articoli più popolari sulla Wikipedia in inglese semplice nel giugno 2019
ver. 1.6
# Modifiche Titolo Popolarità
901 84Oviya (TV series)
902 392Earth Day
903 24Tropics
904 4683Renaissance music
905 1043Landslide
906 1537Carpenter
907 93Poverty
908 32Middle Ages
909 68Largest extinct animals
910 104Entropy
911 524Sodomy laws in the United States
912 29Brazil
913 487Lenz's law
914 171Taxicab number
915 54International Standard Book Number
916 57Common Era
917 20List of best-selling PlayStation video games
918 166Rust Belt
919 630Jute
920 778Globe
921 427Munshi Premchand
922 138Netherlands
923 155Vladimir Lenin
924 698Binoculars
925 172Justin Bieber
926 334Soil
927 171Lawyer
928 40Windmill
929 56Jaundice
930 898Eagle
931 274Stress (mechanics)
932 30Black Sea
933 10Vagina
934 283Metaphysics
935 53Flag of Scotland
936 571Principality of Sealand
937 129Fungus
938 295Drug addiction
939 359Heart
940 306Nerve impulse
941 258Yellow
942 90Reign of Terror
943 570Rice
944 204List of literary terms
945 644President of Ireland
946 72Machu Picchu
947 183Human penis size
948 353Edward VII
949 401History of Indonesia
950 207Capital (economics)
951 71Aung San Suu Kyi
952 1124Pansexuality
953 134Magnet
954 79Alcoholic proof
955 36Higgs boson
956 4Weather
957 213Quark
958 117Lady Gaga
959 434Discrimination
960 318Bangladesh
961 550National symbols of Pakistan
962 15New Zealand
963 2Pennsylvania
964 85Bodhi Tree
965 4330List of NHL franchise post-season droughts
966 6Stomata
967 7140The Godfather Part II
968 346Market
969 29Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
970 65Mohamed Salah
971 237Krebs cycle
972 53Middle school
973 160List of cities in Illinois
974 30Alaska
975 236Legendary Pokémon
976Vish (TV series)
977 300Metamorphic rock
978 148Love
979 45Steering wheel (ship)
980 1092Cum
981 71Atlantic Ocean
982 212Satan
983 378Isotope
984 66Champagne (wine)
985 125Carnivorous plant
986 209Statue of Unity
987 699Guru Nanak Dev
988 5672K. Kamaraj
989 13Bernie Sanders
990 161Electron shell
991 395Giant panda
992 250Lahore Resolution
993 413Massachusetts
994 272Ed Sheeran
995 199South Africa
996 406List of Slipknot band members
997 148Python (programming language)
998 304Ganges
999 361Sirimavo Bandaranaike
1000 37212019 Cricket World Cup
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

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