Gli articoli più popolari sulla Wikipedia in inglese semplice nel settembre 2015
ver. 1.6
# Modifiche Titolo Popolarità
201 810September 11 attacks
202 237London
203 43List of cities in Italy
204 80Basketball
205 112Age of consent
206 33Sachin Tendulkar
207 35Malleability
208 80List of extinct volcanoes
209 4Air
210 46Farming
211 156Globalization
212 21Education
213 2074Pope Francis
214 165Old Testament
215 11Adventure
216 100Government
217 13Relation (mathematics)
218 192Marxism
219 87Forest
220 631Leaning Tower of Pisa
221 25Embedded system
222 80Nature
223 23Illegal drugs
224 21Software
225 61Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
226 5Advertising
227 37Autumn
228 452Constitution of the United States
229 9Albert Einstein
230 64MicroSD
231 53List of French monarchs
232 16Java (programming language)
233 75Microsoft Office
234 20Washington, D.C.
235 90List of Jupiter's moons
236 85Terrorism
237 456Protestant Reformation
238 211New York City
239 158List of highest mountains
240 11Spacetime
241 12Karma
242 34Solar power plant
243 61Romance languages
244 17Season
245 554Elizabeth II
246 96Stress (mechanics)
247 21Cat
248 183Earth's crust
249 25Client-server
250 30Magnetic flux
251 43Bacchus
252 188Midwestern United States
253 1214Aboriginal art
254 18Cold War
255 37Temperate climate
256 34William Shakespeare
257 128River
258 110Michael Jackson
259 87Islam
260 67Puberty
261 52Checkers
262 122Swami Vivekananda
263 239American Revolutionary War
264 295Electron shell
265 57Emotion
266 16Doctor Who companions
267 248Mole (unit)
268 151Anion
269 112Syed Ahmed Khan
270 78Movie
271 250Asylum seeker
272 108Legal precedent
273 492Talent (measurement)
274 242Binary fission
275 744Big Ben
276 47Lion
277 14Cattle
278 18Hard and soft drugs
279 114Google
280 71Newton's laws of motion
281 143Krishnadevaraya
282 57Playing card
283 375Supply and demand
284 27Chess
285 17Automobile
286 92Vagina
287 362Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
288 110List of religions
289 16Physics
290 228Indirect democracy
291 29Basic English
292 124Mother Teresa
293 263Indian independence movement
294 33List of tallest buildings in the United States
295 84Odin
296 34Philosophy
297 108Sex
298 7Pubis (bone)
299 33Prussia
300 22Service sector
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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