Gli articoli più popolari sulla Wikipedia in inglese semplice nel febbraio 2015
ver. 1.6
# Modifiche Titolo Popolarità
201 317Ancient Egypt
202 20William Shakespeare
203 94U.S. postal abbreviations
204 54Dove
205 210Capitalism
206 17Farming
207 363Data Protection Act 2018
208 73Islam
209 316Gothic cathedrals
210 9Water
211 26Odin
212 45Indian Rebellion of 1857
213 130Second law of thermodynamics
214 160Legal entity
215 20Isotope
216 65Client-server
217 91Automobiles of the 1920s
218 80Binary fission
219 164Stress (mechanics)
220 111New York City
221 186Christmas
222 128Embedded system
223 229Command economy
224 81Consecutive integer
225 47Fascism
226 120Tiger
227 316Friendship
228 20James VI and I
229 4Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank
230 114Canada
231 21Semen
232 92Service sector
233 86Sentence
234 29List of European countries by area
235 48Pedophilia
236 35List of Disney movies
237 66Syed Ahmed Khan
238 50Higgs boson
239 83River
240 55List of Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters
241 153Advertising
242 111Solar energy
243 130Cyclone
244 97List of planets
245 68Tsunami
246 83Education
247 951977
248 169Hinduism
249 141Government
250 77Newton's laws of motion
251 11Diwali
252 915Caliphate
253 109Camel
254 172Lists of deities
255 259George Washington
256 30United Nations
257 13Religion
258 214Mortgage
259 98Socialism
260 96Higgs field
261 86Cloud computing
262 151Freyja
263 96Greenhouse effect
264 1524-hour clock
265 317Anubis
266 7Democracy
267 184Physics
268 101Isaac Newton
269 504Existentialism
270 50Indian independence movement
271 170Windmill
272 68Flower
273 1024Chinese New Year
274 88Cattle
275 59Vagina
276 130Parrot
277 2325Alessandro Volta
278 55Cleanliness
279 11701Jack Russell Terrier
280 149Soviet Union
281 19Temperate climate
282 238Spring
283 135Origin of life
284 206DNA
285 93Moons of Saturn
286 93United States Bill of Rights
287 111Plantain
288 54Malala Yousafzai
289 111Iron
290 5Vietnam War
291 125Punctuation
292 776Biological species concept
293 43Big Ben
294 108Animal
295 125Hard and soft drugs
296 57France
297 286Wave (physics)
298 177Month
299 36Dormant volcano
300 167Judaism
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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