Gli articoli più popolari sulla Wikipedia in inglese semplice nel giugno 2014
ver. 1.6
# Modifiche Titolo Popolarità
201 46France
202 99Dove
203 69Death penalty
204 4Islam
205 171Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
206 136Gag reflex
207 79Renewable resource
208 331Brazil
209 27Democracy
210 442Computer program
211 24Moons of Saturn
212 72Illegal drugs
213 118Feijoa
214 67Michael Jackson
215 674Colombia
216 19Education
217 46Jesus
218 5Client-server
219 15Testicle
220 116Google Search
221 40English language
222 9613Caspian Sea
223 162Transgender
224 63Binary fission
225 682YHWH
226 33Witch
227 26Haploid
228 4251Exclusive disjunction
229 16Sun
230 53Gautama Buddha
231 37Cattle
232 188Punctuation
233 31Leaning Tower of Pisa
234 7Karma
235 105Quantum mechanics
236 46List of Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters
237 117List of elements by symbol
238 43List of cities in Italy
239 233Computer monitor
240 52Checkers
241 23Spacetime
242 52Elephant
243 21860Afro-Asians
244 3Tiger
245 72Central processing unit
246 50Standard deviation
247 117Service sector
248 50Period (physics)
249 58Isaac Newton
250 5Iron
251 60Custom
252 143Higgs field
253 8Polandball
254 8Cat
255 4United Nations
256 132List of words about computers
257 148Aphelion
258 37England
259 157Switzerland
260 120Embedded system
261 22551989 Tiananmen Square protests
262 57Greenhouse effect
263 198Brown recluse spider
264 23Homemaker
265 1829FIFA World Cup
266 32Encyclopedia
267 136Hexadecimal
268 237Charles III
269 220Computer memory
270 64MDMA
271 243Ganges
272 39Germany
273 296Bose–Einstein condensate
274 87Advertising
275 59Flower
276 3774Pacific Ring of Fire
277 285Lionel Messi
278 48Nudity
279 499Algorithm
280 29Month
281 67Globalization
282 97Abraham Lincoln
283 6044Waxing
284 156Thermal power plant
285 37British Empire
286 151Himalayas
287 115List of Jupiter's moons
288 39Latin
289 29Temperate climate
290 452List of soccer clubs in the United States
291 26Basketball
292 291William, Prince of Wales
293 74Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank
294 136Christmas
295 1204Artificial intelligence
296 8Water
297 575Even number
298 14River
299 179Stone fruit
300 31Consecutive integer
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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